http-vue-loader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
http-vue-loader copied to clipboard

load .vue files from your html/js

Results 43 http-vue-loader issues
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限制了必须引用.vue文件,这个没太大用处,反而在iis默认是不允许下载.vue文件的: ![image]( 需要支持引用.html文件,比如:httpVueLoader('test.vue.html')

1. 在父组件中通过 v-bind 给子组件传值,子组件接收不到 2. a标签,img标签 的属性均无法传递变量 data() { return { dataHref: 'https://****/', imgUrl: 'https://****' } } 都没法显示

Hi, not sure if this is a http-vue-loader issue or something else, the thing is that ```javascript const components = { 'deck-button': httpVueLoader('components/DeckButton.vue'), 'deck-card': httpVueLoader('components/DeckCard.vue'), } ``` Only `deck-button` would...

I referenced the vue component in the jsp project. The sub-components are based on the example in the sample document. I only used it once in the jsp, but there...


Is there any way to load mixins into the components?

will be or is already fixed in vue3-sfc-loader

Similar to #56, but I do NOT use ES6 `export` in my .vue File. It looks like this (actually this is the "official" Hello World component): {{ greeting }} World!...

i'm using the following preset to make jsx working in project jsx renders perfectly within components that i create in source code of my project, but when i'm trying...

will be or is already fixed in vue3-sfc-loader

I regret to announce that I will no longer maintain http-vue-loader codebase. However, the (very) good news is that [vue3-sfc-loader]( now supports Vue 3 and Vue 2 (thanks to @Toilal...