DevZones copied to clipboard
Plugin for create zones and using natives for create third-party plugins easily
devzones.sp(111) : warning 242: function "Event_PlayerSpawn" should return an explicit value devzones.sp(160) : warning 242: function "Event_OnRoundStart" should return an explicit value devzones.sp(292) : warning 242: function "OnPlayerRunCmd" should return...
the only problem is, sometimes on round start, a few players simply die, and after get out the zone, die at the same way.
Would be possible to workaround it with onzonecreated if OnZoneDeleted was a function.
It looks like OnZoneEntry and OnZoneExit have some special disconnection chance IF the zone is in the same position as the player spawns ( Anti spawn camp ). I will...
Players can entry in zone if they have bhop.
When i try to compile this plugin on sm 1.10 compiler, i got huge plugin size (869kb) and warnings about deprecated functions. Please fix this! > //// devzones.sp // //...
This plugin corrupts some config files like de_mirage.zones.txt Im thinking it has to do something with the name because its always mirage but never cache or the dust2 config files.....
Hello, I've problem with this function : if (Zone_IsClientInZone(client, "(T)", false)) that doesn't work but with StrContains that work and it's possible to add a native that return the name...
Player continue pushing when new round starts.
Hello, I have a big problem with zone on map de_nuketown. TT spawn is 'crooked' spawn and i and I can not set the zone on it :/