Frank Hochmuth
Frank Hochmuth
Hello, everyone, When testing issue [#152](, the following was noticed: If the uploader of a mixed file type selection contains a non-permitted file type, the subsequent permitted file types will...
Hello, everyone, Since some of the Flatpress users would like to offer visitors a certain level of security when visiting the FlatPress Blog, but may not know how, certain [security...
Hello, everyone, I have a suggestion for improvement: Create the ability to center a PhotoSwipe image (be it from a gallery or a single image) in responsive design - regardless...
Hello, everyone, some widgets in the right menu of Leggero-v2 style suffer severe crushing when the screen or browser width is larger than 719px and smaller than 1024px. Since mobile...
Hello, everyone, long single line Leggero-v2 style code wrapped by pre element overshoots the target in [print]( preview.  I see two options here: By `overflow: auto;` cut off the...
Hello, everyone, Meta tags are still very important for search engine optimization and social media posting. Therefore, the [SEO Metatag Info Plugin]( is a very good complement for the FlatPress...
@macadoum from the [forum]( reports that he cannot leave a comment in RC1 and the error message: `Sorry, we\'re encountering technical difficulties.` is displayed. My suspicion: Commentcenter cannot connect...
@macadoum has reported in the [forum]( that the date is one day behind. My suspicion: The web host does not have the correct date (UTC).
Hello everyone, There is no validation whether the character set input in the admin area is valid or invalid. Currently I could enter a Bochum car license plate as character...
Fixes #155 * Creates a more robust cookie with __secure- prefix and increases the acceptance of compatible browsers.  This prefix is the more relaxed in terms of the restrictions...