Fred Heusschen
Fred Heusschen
Thank you for reporting this. I'll remove it in the next version. Here's what [MDN]( has to say about it: > Warning: will-change is intended to be used as a...
The `will-change` property will be removed in the next version. The `transform3D` property (when opening the menu) unfortunately can't be removed, at least not when the menu should appear from...
Those classes should probably be removed if the menu isn't open. I'll see if I can fix this in the next release. Thanks for reporting.
Different parts of the plugin use the window object for binding event listeners, matchmedia, session storage and scrolling. Some could probably use the document instead of the window, but I...
Thank you for reporting the issue, I'' have to look into this.
Sorry for the late response, this was fixed in version 9.2.0
Sorry for the late response. What version are you using and what version were you previously using? Does it help if you update to the latest version of the plugin?
Unfortunately not, the searchfield will always search through the menu. I'll see if I can add an option for this behavior.
The `` option was added in version 9.2. Set it to `false` and the searchfield will not search anything.
haven't seen that before. I'll see if I can find why that would occur. Thank you for reporting it.