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A workflow for Angular using Gulp
Fox's Angular.js Gulp Workflow
If you would like a modern workflow using ES6, use my webpack boilerplate
Here is yet another opinionated angular boilerplate with how I work with Angular. I made it for myself but if you find that my opinions are good for you, feel free to use it and collaborate with issues or pull requests.
Let's start with the app
In the app
folder you can find 3 subdirectories:
- images: You can put there the images you need, nothing special here.
scss: There is a
file there were you import all your other.scss
files. -
js: There is where you put your javascript code. It comes with a
file with the mainapp
module created.
You can also find:
index.html: It is only the basic skeleton with the angular application loaded. It is a lodash template
so we can have cache-busting on production.
Structuring your Angular app in the js
We split our application per features
, so if we have an application to manage users
, we can decide that a page to manage those users
is a feature and also the settings
page is another feature. Also we need some authentication services and stuff like that. That is not a feature of our app, but something common to the entire app. How can we organize that?
Looking at the image, we can see that features
folder where we put all our features. We create a subdirectory with the feature name and then inside a javascript
file to code that feature and also a .tpl.html
file for its template. the .tpl.html
is my convention, you can change that in the gulpfile.js
If a feature gets big enough, you can create multiple .js
files, that is not a problem.
For common stuff, we created a common
folder where we can put all our services
and directives
. Notice how I put the foo
directive template inside the same folder.
The workflow won't force you to use this structure, the only forced convention here is to put your templates under /js
and not under /templates
or something like that. Also the extension being *.tpl.html
is needed (again, easy to change in the gulpfile.js
). Leaving that aside, you're free to code your app in the way you like.
appTemplates: 'app/js/**/*.tpl.html',
Testing your app
The only convention here is to name your tests like: *_spec.js
. Leaving that aside, you can structure it the way you like.
You can do it per features like our main code or organize them per type (controllers
, directives
, etc.).
As a test runner we are using test'em
, jasmine 2
as the framework of choice and Chrome
to run the tests. You can change jasmine
and Chrome
in testem.json
"framework" : "jasmine2",
"launch_in_dev" : ["Chrome"],
"src_files" : [
Talking with the backend
Our angular app will run on the port 5000
and by default all the requests to the backend are going to use a proxy
to the port 8080
. How does that work?
Imagine you have a Rails
backend (the workflow is backend agnostic) running on port 8080
and it serves some users
information at /api/users
. Since the Rails
app runs on port 8080
and our Angular
app runs on the port 5000
we would need to do something like:
And then activate CORS
in our Rails
app. That is not needed here, we can safely do:
Without any need of CORS
. Thanks to our proxy
, our Angular
app will think that the backend is running in the same domain and port so if we deploy both application together (like putting our angular
app into Rails'
directory) we don't need to change anything in our code.
gulp.task('webserver', ['indexHtml-dev', 'images-dev'], function() {
root: paths.tmpFolder,
port: 5000,
livereload: true,
middleware: function(connect, o) {
return [ (function() {
var url = require('url');
var proxy = require('proxy-middleware');
var options = url.parse('http://localhost:8080/api');
options.route = '/api';
return proxy(options);
})(), historyApiFallback ];
There you change our app port and also the port where our backend is running. Also notice that the requests that goes through the proxy
are the ones that starts with /api
The gulp tasks
To run our tasks and watch for file changes, we just need to run:
$ gulp
That will generate a tmp
folder with all our javascript
files concatenated in one central place. That free us of having to create a <script>
tag for every javascript we create. Also, our templates
are going to be cached in $templateCache
and also appended to the main app.js
Also that will compile our scss
, move our images and compile our index.hbs
, run the webserver and watch for file changes.
All our javascript
are going to be linted by jshint
To run our tests, having that gulp
watching our files for changes, we can do in another terminal:
$ gulp testem
That will fire test'em
which will grab all our changes and re-run the tests.
Compiling your project for production
When you finish your project and you need to generate the final result with all your assets minified and your Angular annotated (for minification purposes), you can do:
$ gulp production
That will generate a dist
folder and you can safely move its content to a backend /public
folder or serve it as is.
Managing vendors
For the vendors this workflow uses bower
All the bower packages are installed directly on /vendor
so if you want to install angular-toastr
for example, you only need to:
$ bower install angular-toastr --save
That will install angular-toastr
on /vendor
and also save it on the bower.json
Then you will need to tell Gulp
that you want to load it, for that you need to open /vendor/manifest.js
and modify it like:
exports.javascript = [
There is also a css
exports.css = [
By default this project comes with angular
and lodash
already loaded for you.
NOTE: npm install
will also do a bower install
Known Issues
Sometimes when adding new files (and the watch is running) you can see errors regarding sourcemaps. A restart of gulp fix that.
- Proxying for sockets
- If you add new stuff to
you will need to restartGulp
. - Fix possible issues, this need to be used on real projects yet :P
- Anything you want?