fdb-record-layer copied to clipboard
Attempting to Not Block on BlockTermsReader
Attempt to remove sequential blocking access during commit.
Result of fdb-record-layer-pr-proto2 on Linux CentOS 7
- Commit ID: 2b8eeee35102ce236be8a275078531f32f7d0489
- Duration 0:16:33
- Result: :x: FAILED
- Error:
Error while executing command: ./gradlew --no-daemon --console=plain -b ./build.gradle build destructiveTest sonarqube -PcoreNotStrict -PreleaseBuild=false -PpublishBuild=false -PspotbugsEnableHtmlReport. Reason: exit status 1
- Build Log terminal output (available for 30 days)
- Build Workspace zip file of the working directory (available for 30 days)
Result of fdb-record-layer-pr-proto3 on Linux CentOS 7
- Commit ID: 2b8eeee35102ce236be8a275078531f32f7d0489
- Duration 0:17:29
- Result: :x: FAILED
- Error:
Error while executing command: ./gradlew --no-daemon --console=plain -b ./build.gradle build destructiveTest sonarqube -PcoreNotStrict -PreleaseBuild=false -PpublishBuild=false -PspotbugsEnableHtmlReport. Reason: exit status 1
- Build Log terminal output (available for 30 days)
- Build Workspace zip file of the working directory (available for 30 days)