spectacle copied to clipboard
How to add a link that jumps to another slide page
Thanks for your excellent work, spectacle
is great, I like it so much.
As an Emacs user, I wrote ox-spectacle to product spectacle slideshows. It is based on Emacs org-mode's export engine, which can greatly simplify the creation of slideshows with spectacle
. The way ox-spectacle
works is to translate the org-marked
file into spectacle one-page html.
I have several problems then. One of them is that, how to add a link that jumps to another slide page?
I wrote a component like this:
const { Slide, Deck, Link, Text } = Spectacle;
import htm from 'https://unpkg.com/htm@^3?module';
const html = htm.bind(React.createElement);
const MyLink = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const { skipTo } = React.useContext(Spectacle.DeckContext);
return html`
<${Link} ref=${ref} ...${props}
onClick=${e => { e.preventDefault(); skipTo({slideIndex: props.id}) }}>
const Slides = () => html`
<Text>Slide One</Text>
<${MyLink} id="0">Slide 2. Click to jump to Slide 1</${MyLink}>
It does do the jump, but the window.location
not sync after jump. Forgive my poor knowledge about ReactJS, I really don't know why.
Please help me, or tell me any better way to do the job.
You can have a look at the progress bar component and the skipTo action. https://github.com/FormidableLabs/spectacle/blob/main/packages/spectacle/src/components/progress.tsx
The above MyLink
is written with reference to Progress
. I don't know if I missed something, the jump is okay, but the url remains unchanged after the jump. So very puzzled. Help, thanks.