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Full. Stack. Testing. (w/ JavaScript)
Full. Stack. Testing.
Learn frontend, backend, and functional testing with a full-stack JavaScript web application, sample tests, exercises, and more!
We start with a simple "Converter" web application that converts strings to camel, snake, or dashed cases. You can see an online demo of the app/tests (with local development counterparts) at: full-stack-testing.formidablelabs.com
The frontend app uses jQuery for DOM/AJAX work and is built with the wonderful Webpack bundling tool. The backend server uses the ever popular Express framework for our REST API.
To test our application, we write backend, frontend, and functional tests with technologies that include:
Getting Started
See our installation instructions. Here's a tl;dr
$ git clone https://github.com/FormidableLabs/full-stack-testing.git
$ cd full-stack-testing
$ npm install
$ npm run-script check
The test suites in this project can be found in the following locations:
For each of these
Backend Tests
Server-side (aka "backend") tests have two real flavors -- unit and REST tests. To run all the server-side tests, try:
$ npm run-script test-backend
# Mac/Linux
$ node_modules/.bin/mocha --opts test/server/mocha.opts test/server
# Windows
$ node_modules\.bin\mocha --opts test\server\mocha.opts test\server
Server-side Unit Tests
Pure JavaScript tests that import the server code and test it in isolation.
- Extremely fast to execute.
- Typically test pure code logic in isolation.
Run the tests with:
# Mac/Linux
$ node_modules/.bin/mocha --opts test/server/mocha.opts test/server/spec
# Windows
$ node_modules\.bin\mocha --opts test\server\mocha.opts test\server\spec
Server-side REST Tests
REST tests rely on spinning up the backend web application and using an HTTP client to make real network requests to the server and validate responses.
- Must set up / tear down the application web server.
- Issue real REST requests against server and verify responses.
- Fairly fast to execute (localhost network requests).
- Cover more of an "end-to-end" perspective on validation.
Run the tests with:
# Mac/Linux
$ node_modules/.bin/mocha --opts test/server/mocha.opts test/server/rest
# Windows
$ node_modules\.bin\mocha --opts test\server\mocha.opts test\server\rest
Frontend Tests
Client-side (aka "frontend") unit tests focus on one or more client application files in isolation. Some aspects of these tests:
- Extremely fast to execute.
- Execute via a test HTML driver page, not the web application HTML.
- Must create mock DOM and data fixtures.
- Mock out real browser network requests / time.
- Typically test some aspect of the UI from the user perspective.
- Run tests in the browser or from command line.
- May need to be bundled like your application code.
Build, then run the tests from the command line with:
$ npm run-script build-test
$ npm run-script test-frontend
# Mac/Linux
$ node_modules/.bin/webpack --config webpack.config.test.js
$ node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start test/client/karma.conf.js
# Windows
$ node_modules\.bin\webpack --config webpack.config.test.js
$ node node_modules\karma\bin\karma start test\client\karma.conf.js
Sauce Labs
We provide an alternate Karma configuration file,
to run some popular browsers on Sauce Labs
For example, on Mac/Linux:
# Run all configured browsers in Sauce Labs
node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start test/client/karma.conf.saucelabs.js
# Run comma-separated list of browsers
$ BROWSERS="ie10-win7,ie11-win7" \
node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start test/client/karma.conf.saucelabs.js
Functional Tests
Functional (aka "integration", "end-to-end") tests rely on a full, working instance of the entire web application. These tests typically:
- Are slower than the other test types.
- Take a "black box" approach to the application and interact only via the actual web UI.
- Test user behaviors in an end-to-end manner.
Run the tests with:
$ npm run-script test-func
# Mac/Linux
$ node_modules/.bin/mocha --opts test/func/mocha.opts test/func/spec
# Windows
$ node_modules\.bin\mocha --opts test\func\mocha.opts test\func\spec
Browsers / Options / Sauce Labs
Our functional tests are configured via rowdy which has various logging and browser options in its config file.
For example, on Mac/Linux:
# Chrome Tests
$ ROWDY_SETTINGS="local.firefox" npm run-script test-func
# Additional Logging
$ ROWDY_OPTIONS='{ "clientLogger": true, "serverLogger": true }' \
npm run-script test-func
# Initiate a Sauce Labs remote test
# **Note**: Need a web-accessible host to hit with tests.
$ TEST_HOST="http://full-stack-testing.formidablelabs.com/app/" \
ROWDY_OPTIONS='{ "clientLogger": true }' \
ROWDY_SETTINGS="sauceLabs.ie11-win8" \
npm run-script test-func
and similarly on Windows:
# Internet Explorer Tests
$ cmd /C "set ROWDY_SETTINGS=local.ie && npm run-script test-func"
# Additional Logging
$ cmd /C "set ROWDY_OPTIONS={ "clientLogger": true, "serverLogger": true } && npm run-script test-func"
Sample Web App
The "Converter" is a simple utility to camel/dash/snake case a string by way of a single-page-application issuing XHR commands to a REST command backed by a server that does the conversions.
We actually use two servers for our project:
- The dev server, which serves the sample converter application
- The sources server, which is a simple static file server that serves source maps for the main application and the test HTML page.
- Frontend (client) unit tests.
Standalone Dev Server
If you're already done with the frontend build, then you can manually run just the dev server with:
# Mac/Linux
$ node server/index.js
# Windows
$ node server\index.js
Note: This does not run the source maps server nor does it rebuild / restart servers on frontend / backend code changes.
Single Build + Dev/Sources Servers
To do a single build and run the dev/sources servers, do:
$ npm start
Note: You will have to restart the server on backend code changes manually and rebuild your frontend JS on changes.
Watched Rebuilds + Dev/Sources Servers
To watch both frontend and backend files for changes and rebuild / restart via nodemon use:
$ npm run-script watch
Note: The gulp watch
/ npm run-script watch
commands are currently
broken on Windows with Node v0.12
for both:
due to some file-watching issues.