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Alternate Transportation
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Mod Name Scrolls and Spells of Passage - Teleport to Cities and Towns From Anywhere Mod Link Nexus Page
Why? Skyrims fast travel systems are meh at best. Normal fast travel is boring and immersion breaking for me, and carriages are fine to a certain point, but would the Arch-Mage, or Dragonborn really be caught on a carriage? This mod would add a new method of traveling, geared towards later game as they are rather expensive.
Additional context I had used this mod religiously on XB1 and it had always worked as intended. The tomes and scrolls are added to Innkeeper and Mage merchants leveled lists by script. There is also a scrolls only version, so they have to be purchased each time, I think this would also make a great goldsink.
psst you need a save
can i use urs
No I got dibs
Yeah I agree, Skyrim's fast travel system really kills the immersion, it makes things less exciting.
I'm not sure if you've heard of this mod but I highly recommend SWIFT, it adds new teleport shrines around the map to let you travel seamlessly in the game, this could be just what we're looking for.
This mod even provides a quest (extra content) to encourage the player to explore these lost sacred shrines.
If you're considering different ideas or alternatives, I think this is definitely it.
Name: Skyrim Wayshrines - Immersive Fast Travel Link:
I don't know what the limitations are but maybe we could have both SWIFT and Scrolls and Spells of Passage? That's a question for the developers though.
I personally don't have a save just yet, so I know I don't get a say in things, but I feel like I could really help contribute to these discussions. I just wanted to present this idea to everyone because we all want what's best for LS. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this @ForgottenGlory
I will say, keep fast travel as an option for those who want it. I could care less about adding alternatives, but it'll be irritating if fast travel is permanently disabled for the people who use it.
@LivingSkyrimFanBoy I completely forgot about that mod, nice find!
@jokerstyle00 no worries there, definitely always have the option there.
I will say, keep fast travel as an option for those who want it. I could care less about adding alternatives, but it'll be irritating if fast travel is permanently disabled for the people who use it.
The best thing about SWIFT is that, there's an option in the MCM menu where you can enable or disable fast travel. So there's plenty of freedom for everyone!