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metafunctions is a function composition library for python.


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Metafunctions is a function composition and data pipelining library.

It allows for data pipeline creation separate from execution, so instead of writing:

result = step3(step2(step1(data)))

result_1 = step1(data)
result_2 = step2(result_1)
result_3 = step3(result_2)

You can write:

pipeline = step1 | step2 | step3
result = pipeline(data)

Why do you need new syntax for pipelining functions?

Well you may not need a new syntax, but the ability to compose a data pipeline before executing it does impart some advantages, such as:

  • Reuse. Compose a pipeline once and use it in multiple places, including as part of larger pipelines:
    # load, parse, clean, validate, and format are functions
    preprocess = load | parse | clean | validate | format
    # preprocess is now a MetaFunction, and can be reused
    clean_data1 = preprocess('path/to/data/file')
    clean_data2 = preprocess('path/to/different/file')
    # Preprocess can be included in larger pipelines
    pipeline = preprocess | step1 | step2 | step3
  • Readability. step1 | step2 | step3 is both read and executed from left to right, unlike step3(step2(step1())), which is executed from innermost function outwards.
  • Inspection. Can't remember what your MetaFunction does? str will tell you:
    >>> str(preprocess)
    "(load | parse | clean | validate | format)"
  • Advanced Composition. Anything beyond simple function chaining becomes difficult using traditional methods. What if you want to send the result of step1 to both steps 2 and 3, then sum the results? The traditional approach requires an intermediate variable and can quickly become unwieldy:
    result1 = step1(data)
    result2 = step2(result1) + step3(result1)
    Using metafunctions, you can declare a pipeline that does the same thing:
    pipeline = step1 | step2 + step3
    result = pipeline(data)


MetaFunctions supports python 3.5+ (tested to 3.10+)

pip install metafunctions

How does it work?

Conceptually, a MetaFunction is a function that contains other functions. When you call a MetaFunction, the MetaFunction calls the functions it contains.

You can create a MetaFunction using the node decorator:

from metafunctions import node

def get_name(prompt):
    return input(prompt)

def say_hello(name):
    return 'Hello {}!'.format(name)

MetaFunctions override certain operators to allow for composition. For example, the following creates a new MetaFunction that combines get_name and say_hello:

greet = get_name | say_hello

When we call the greet MetaFunction, it calls both its internal functions in turn.

# First, `get_name` is called, which prints our prompt to the screen.
# If we enter 'Tom' at the prompt, the second function returns the string 'Hello Tom!'
greeting = greet('Please enter your name ')
print(greeting) # Hello Tom!

MetaFunctions are also capable of upgrading regular functions to MetaFunctions at composition time, so we can simplify our example by composing say_hello directly with the builtin input and print functions:

>>> greet = input | say_hello | print
>>> greet('Please enter your name: ')
# Please enter your name: Tom
# Hello Tom!


Helpful Tracebacks

Errors in composed functions can be confusing. If an exception occurs in a MetaFunction, the exception traceback will tell you which function the exception occurred in. But what if that function appears multiple times in the data pipeline?

Imagine this function, which downloads stringified numeric data from a web api:

>>> compute_value = (query_volume | float) * (query_price | float)
>>> compute_value('')

Here we've assumed that query_volume and query_price will return strings that convert cleanly to floats, but what if something goes wrong?

>>> compute_value('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
builtins.ValueError: could not convert string to float: '$800'

We can deduce that float conversion failed, but which float function raised the exception? MetaFunctions addresses this by adding the locate_error metafunction decorator, which adds a location information string to any exception raised within the pipeline:

>>> from metafunctions import locate_error
>>> with_location = locate_error(compute_value)
>>> with_location('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
builtins.ValueError: could not convert string to float: '$800'
Occured in the following function: ((query_volume | float) + (query_price | ->float<-))

Advanced Pipeline Construction Tools

Metafunctions provides utilities for constructing advanced function pipelines.

  • store / recall: store the output of the preceding function, and recall it later to pass to a different function. For example:

    # The following pipeline sends the output of `a` to `b`, and also adds it to the output of `c`
    p = a | store('a') | b | recall('a') + c
  • mmap: A MetaFunction decorator that wraps a function (or MetaFunction) and calls it once per item in the input it receives. This allows you to create loops in function pipelines:

    (1, 2, 3) | mmap(process) # <- equivalent to (1, 2, 3) | (process & process & process)

    mmap duplicates the behaviour of the builtin map function.

  • star: Calls the wrapped MetaFunction with *args instead of args (It's analogous to lambda args, **kwargs: metafunction(*args, **kwargs)). This allows you to incorporate functions that accept more than one parameter into your function pipeline:

    def f(result1, result2):
    # When cmp is called, f will receive the results of both a and b as positional args
    cmp = (a & b) | star(f)

    star can be combined with the above mmap to duplicate the behaviour of itertools.starmap:

    starmap = star(mmap(f))

    For more discussion of star, see this pull request

  • concurrent: experimental, requires an os that provides os.fork()

    Consider the following long running MetaFunction:

    process_companies = get_company_data | filter | process
    process_customers = get_customer_data | filter | process
    process_all = process_companies & process_customers

    Assuming the component functions in the process_all MetaFunction follow good functional practices and do not have side effects, it's easy to see that process_companies and process_customers are independent of each other. If that's the case, we can safely execute them in parallel. The concurrent metafunction decorator allows you to specify steps in the function pipeline to execute in parallel:

    from metafunctions import concurrent
    do_large_calculation_async = concurrent(process_companies + process_customers)

    concurrent can be combined with mmap to create an asynchronous map, similar to

    map_async = concurrent(mmap(f))