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What's This? Power Slider wording change suggestions
Suggested changes in bold:
Folding Power controls how much of your computer's resources Folding@home uses. If you want to see what your high performance system can do crank it up to Full. If your computer starts to stress out move it to Light to give it a break. These settings have the following meaning: Light 20% Medium 60% Full 100% Actual usage may be less than these values and depends on how many CPU cores your system has available and what other programs are running on your computer.
at the time. is not needed, it's assumed.
Capital P in the second word to match the slider title: Folding Power
Why give these values and then say they WILL be less. Just state a lessor number to start. Confusing. Or change to WILL be less to MAY be less, and that covers all options.
Change to "programs" instead of "processes" for newer users, easier to understand.
Suggested changes (in bold) to 7im's changes:
Folding Power controls how much of your system's resources Folding@home uses. If you want to see what your system can do crank it up to Full. If your system starts to stress out move it to Light to give it a break. These settings have the following effect on CPU Usage: Light approximately 20% Usage Medium approximately 60% Usage Full approximately 100% Usage Actual usage varies and depends on the number of CPUs present and what other programs are running on your system.
Removed high performance since we don't want to turn off donors with single CPU systems. Replaced computer with system for consistency reasons (vice-versa can be done too). Added effect on CPU Usage since 20% of what? Also, virtually everyone knows what CPU Usage is. Added approximately and usage to make it easy to understand phrases. Replaced may be less than these values with varies to make it shorter and simpler. Replaced how many CPU cores your system has available with the number of CPUs present which makes it less technical and any task manager in Windows/Linux/OSX has "CPUs" in it so majority of users know what CPUs are as opposed to cores.
Stay with "computer." Newbs understand that better, more common term, but like the better consistency.
"about" is better than "approximately." Less technical jargon.
Actual usage does not vary. It stays pretty much at one level, unless you run other programs. It's also assumed that if usage changes with other programs, that's the same as saying it varies. No need to say it twice, IMO. I think it could be worded better.
If you put USAGE in the header of the list, there is no need to repeat it in every line item. Usage is also a little technical. Consider changing to "These settings change CPU workload." or CPU demand. Light uses about 20% Medium uses about 50% etc.
Depending on the "number of CPUs" is not accurate. Most people only have one CPU. If you want, say "CPU cores" instead, even though a little more technical, it needs it to be accurate. Also, I prefer "available" over present. All of the present cores may not be available.
Trying to keep it super simple.
Okay, here is another go with some of the above suggestions implemented:
Folding Power controls how much of your computer's resources Folding@home uses. If you want to see what your computer can do crank it up to Full. If your computer starts to stress out, move it to Light to give it a break. These settings will use the following percentage of your CPU: Light uses about 20% Medium uses about 60% Full uses about 100% Actual percentage varies, depending on the hardware and other programs running on your computer.
Changed system to computer Changed have the following effect on CPU Usage to will use the following percentage of your CPU Replaced approximately X% Usage to uses about Changed number of CPUs present to hardware Changed usage varies and depends to percentage varies, depending Shortened and what other programs are running to and other programs running
Do note that I am still resisting to change CPU to some other term. The reason being, only Windows 8 Task Manager has gotten the correct terminology by using Sockets, Cores and Logical Processors. However, it is still labeled "CPU". In previous Windows versions, it is only CPU Usage.
Finally, I don't really like how "Light to give it a break" is stated. Can't think of something better which is simple. Also, why is Medium not mentioned.
@jcoffland I can tackle this.