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fah-gpu behind a proxy
I do need to set a proxy server - while this is no problem in docker, and docker normally adds these settings to the container, the fah client seems to ignore them.
So the container is stuck at ~/fah# docker logs fah0 13:18:19:Downloading GPUs.txt from 13:18:19:Connecting to
How can I set the proxy inside the container?
I added proxy-enable and proxy to the config.xml but itt didn't do anything.
I tried to start it manually inside the container with FAHClient --chdir /fah --proxy-enable --proxy address:3128 , it stated two warninge ( 13:29:49:WARNING:Option 'proxy-enable' already set to 'true' reseting to 'true'. 13:29:49:WARNING:Option 'proxy' already set to 'host:3128' reseting to 'host:3128'. ) and it worked...
Following the README, the client should be using the config.xml setup in $HOME/fah/config.xml
so should follow any proxy settings there. The container is designed to never need flags added, etc.
You can run the container with -ti instead of -d, and --configure at the end to do all configuration, like this:
docker run --name fah0 -ti --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" --volume $HOME/fah:/fah foldingathome/fah-gpu:latest --configure
Does that help?