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An anime website and mobile app that web scrapes AnimeFLV



An open source website and android app to watch anime

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About The Project

Akiyama is an open source website and android app to watch anime that web scrapes AnimeFLV, developed with the objective of learning and improving my coding skills

All the content that can be found in this application is hosted in third party servers such as Mega, YourUpload, FEMBED, etc. All this services are available for free online. For any legal trouble, related to the content shown in this website, must be addressed with the owners of the servers that are storing this content, as we are not affilliated nor colaborating with them.

Built With

Web App:

  • Angular
  • Angular Material

Android App:

  • Kotlin
  • MVVM architecture

Getting Started

Before cloning the repo make sure you have installed

Starting a local development server

  • Once you have forked or downloaded the project, go into de server directory and install the server dependencies with
  npm install
  • Then you can start the server with
  npm run build && npm run start


  • By default the android project is configured to run in an emulator, so the API url is which is the equivalent to localhost:4000, if you want to debug the app in a physical device make sure to look inside the file mobile_app/app/build.gradle, then look into the buildTypes and change the url in buildConfigField inside debug to your local ip address.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create a branch for the feature you want to make: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

Note both the angular and the android projects have environment variables to connect to your local Aruppi Api server. For default the android app will connect to your local server only if you are running it on an emulator, if you want to test on a real device, change the variable in the gradle file, but please don´t commit this change.


Fernando Maldonado - @Fmaldonado4202 - [email protected]

Project Link: https://github.com/Fmaldonado6/Akiyama