jsPanel3 copied to clipboard
404 error
"API and examples: http://jspanel.de/api"
this link leads to 404 error
And I have a question (I know this is not a good place for questions, but I could not find any link)
I used v3 : I have the draggable option like:
dragit: {
disableui: false,
draggable: {
containment: 'parent'
which let you drag it inside its parent (works great)
My goal is to "pop it out" form the "containment" to "body", so I can drag this panel on th whole body document: Is there a way to change the containment property on run time or any way to achieve that without having to destroy all panel and create a new one with new containment ?
Thanks again and congratulations for your great work
Hi there,
API docs for v3.x are here.
With the config you show above you use the jQuery-UI draggable interaction which should be configurable for an existing panel like:
// create panel
var panel = $.jsPanel({
container: '#container',
dragit: {
disableui: false,
draggable: {
containment: 'parent'
// edit draggable interaction
panel.draggable( "option", "containment", "document" );
See the jQuery-UI draggable docs at https://api.jqueryui.com/draggable/#option-containment
Hope that helps
@yarekc You never responded this issue anymore. So I gues it's solved?