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How to test pushed route with Modular
Documentation describes how to use IModularNavigator
to intercept navigation calls but I'm not sure how to test that the correct route was pushed.
class ModularNavigateMock extends Mock implements IModularNavigator {}
testWidgets('delivery address list component (navigation)...',
(tester) async {
Modular.navigatorDelegate = ModularNavigateMock();;
await tester.pumpWidget(...);
await tester.tap(find.byType(InkWell).at(2));
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(find.byType(EditAddressModal), findsOneWidget);
The tap invokes this action:
void _onEditAddressTapped({required AddressDataModel addressModel}) {
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return EditAddressModal(addressModel: addressModel);
fullscreenDialog: true),
The test fails however if I use Navigator.of(context).push(...)
and Mocktail's NavigatorObserver
mock the test succeeds.
Is there a way how to achieve this with Modular?