Shugo Kawamura
Shugo Kawamura
Gameserver and some resources needs userid and other auths for register. creating match and cancel match is not difficult(imo), but creating gameserver is... :/
cvars = DONE. side_type is WIP Connect it with gRPC or
working on [here](
get5-web-go should send tv_boardcast_url Endpoint to SRCDS by BuildMatchDict, so this should be implemented after #134 & #135 is solved.
yeah thats better,I dont want to "change" current structs,I wanna add something insted. but for now get5-web-go is not handling ForeignKey correctly(#11). So I shoulda fix it first :/ edit...
I'm worrying about that original get5-web doesnt have that options, which means there's no option on MySQL DB as well. so my options are : - Add new table into...
According to PRI Announcement,We should be able to get "Win probability" by map and situation. Situation can be calculated by Total equipment value of team(Im not sure if official PRI...