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Global web3.0 decentralized private retrieval of data security network,Building Cyber Sovereignty. by @IceFireLabs


image Build a global web3 decentralized private retrieval of data security network,Building Cyber Sovereignty.

Our mission

In the field of new generation network security communications, the FlowShield project is leading a revolution. With the rapid development of the digital age, we are facing more and more network security threats and privacy issues. Traditional secure communications solutions are no longer able to meet the growing demands, so we need an innovative approach to protect our communications and data.

FlowShield adopts a series of cutting-edge technologies, such as blockchain, encryption algorithms and secure network architecture, to provide a strong guarantee for the new generation of network secure communication. Through decentralized design, FlowShield breaks the traditional centralized model and makes communication more secure and reliable. Each participant can jointly build and maintain this network, contributing to the security of the entire ecosystem.


FlowShield not only focuses on data encryption and transmission security, but also on privacy protection. The project is committed to protecting the personal privacy of users and preventing their sensitive information from being misused or leaked. Through an anonymized and decentralized approach, FlowShield ensures that users’ identities and communication content are protected to the greatest extent possible, allowing them to have greater autonomy and control in the digital world.

I. Dao Node

Fullnode is a node open to everyone to participate. It carries the metadata of the distributed network and provides a metadata network and transaction matching platform. Fullnode ensures the online status of providers by integrating the metadata of individual providers and maintaining a heartbeat connection with the provider using the libp2p-based pubsub protocol. Users can use Fullnode to find resources and nodes, build their own secure and anonymous network tunnels, and be rewarded by paying tokens to provider nodes. At the same time, Fullnode uses Filecoin's web3.storage technology to store user and Dao data in a distributed manner to ensure data security and reliability.


II. Network Provider

Network provider nodes are automatically networked through the IPFS network of kademlia DHT and libp2p, and use peer discovery and routing functions to achieve fast communication and data synchronization. Using the PubSub function of libp2p, data can be efficiently published and subscribed between multiple nodes.


III. Smart Contracts

We provide a complete smart contract for the decentralized trusted bandwidth market. Our smart contract is deployed on the EVM network, and we provide many methods in the smart contract to ensure a safe trading process and a safe trading environment.


IV. Network Verifier

We provide the validator component of a decentralized trusted bandwidth marketplace. Validators can monitor the network quality of orders, detect and punish bad network providers, and ensure the fairness, reliability and security of transactions. We are committed to building a healthy and developing market that allows users to participate with confidence and enjoy high-quality bandwidth services.



DeCA decentralizes the PKI infrastructure and provides point-to-point communication identity and authentication capabilities for each node in the network. It implements autonomous identity control and provides simple and powerful PKI control capabilities. Through decentralized authentication and key management, DeCA ensures the confidentiality and integrity of communications. FlowShield network participants have autonomous control over their online identities and receive higher levels of authentication and encryption protection. Build a trusted point-to-point communication network through DeCA, improve the security of data and communication, and enhance the reliability and security of the FlowShield network.


More documentation on DeCA

VI. Access Client

The client user establishes a connection with the provider through network access and establishes a secure network tunnel for retrieval of private data. Ensure the security and privacy of data transmission through authentication and encryption technologies.



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Ecological partners

Protocol Labs
Protocol Labs