FlowUpdater copied to clipboard
The free and open source solution to update Minecraft.
Check the Wiki to know how to use FlowUpdater and more information. Currently, all the documentation (only on GitHub, the documentation in the code is up-to-date) isn't up-to-date because I don't have the time currently to make the tutorial.
Legal and fork notices :warning:
The CurseForge integration works with an API Key which is mine at the moment. You CAN'T use this key for other purposes outside FlowUpdater. If you wish to fork this project, you HAVE TO use your own API Key.
First, create a new VanillaVersion, specify arguments. Then build the version :
VanillaVersion version = new VanillaVersionBuilder().withName("1.15.2").build();
NOTE : Builders are all static classes except ForgeVersionBuilder
You have to put the version you want as parameter, you can set a snapshot (you must set the withSnapshot
parameter to true
) if you want or latest
The most of FlowUpdater objects are buildable:
Build a new UpdaterOptions object:
I'm not enabling the re-extracting of natives at each update (withReExtractNatives(true)
) because FlowUpdater
know which natives must be extracted.
UpdaterOptions options = new UpdaterOptionsBuilder().build();
Note that currently UpdaterOptions
is useless unless you want to use a custom ExternalFileDeleter
or you want to disable the silent reading.
Then, instantiate a new FlowUpdater with FlowUpdaterBuilder#withXArguments#withAnotherArgument#build
. Check the code/JavaDoc for more information.
FlowUpdater updater = new FlowUpdaterBuilder().withVanillaVersion(version).withUpdaterOptions(options).withLogger(someCustomLogger).build();
Don't forget to add a progress callback if you want to make a progress bar!
Finally, call the update function :
(You need to setup a vanilla updater !)
First, in your vanilla version builder, change the version type to VersionType.FORGE
Next, make a List of Mod objects (except if you have no mods to install).
List<Mod> mods = new ArrayList<>();
mods.add(new Mod("OneMod.jar", "sha1ofmod", 85120, "https://link/of/mod.jar"));
mods.add(new Mod("AnotherMod.jar", "sha1ofanothermod", 86120, "https://link/of/another/mod.jar"));
You can also get a list of mods by providing a json link : List<Mod> mods = Mod.getModsFromJson("https://url.com/launcher/mods.json");
. A template is available in Mod class.
You can get mods from CurseForge too:
List<CurseFileInfo> modInfos = new ArrayList<>();
// project ID and file ID
modInfos.add(new CurseFileInfo(238222, 2988823));
You can also get a list of curse mods by providing a json link : List<CurseFileInfo> mods = CurseFileInfo.getFilesFromJson("https://url.com/launcher/cursemods.json");
Then, build a forge version. For example, I will build a NewForgeVersion.
AbstractForgeVersion forgeVersion = new ForgeVersionBuilder(ForgeVersionBuilder.ForgeVersionType.NEW)
.withOptiFine(new OptiFineInfo("1.16.3_HD_U_G3")) // installing OptiFine for 1.16.3, false = not a preview
.withFileDeleter(new ModFileDeleter("jei.jar")) // delete bad mods, don't remove the file jei.jar if it's present in the mods' dir.
Finally, set the Forge version corresponding to the wanted Forge version :
That's all!
(You need to setup a vanilla updater !)
In your vanilla version builder, change the version type to VersionType.MCP
Finally, set to vanilla version builder a MCP version :
.withMCP(new MCP("clientURL", "clientSha1", 25008229));
If you set an empty/null string in url and sha1 and 0 in size, the updater will use the default minecraft jar. Example on client-only mcp downloading :
.withMCP(new MCP("https://mighya.eu/resources/Client.jar", "f2c219e485831af2bae9464eebbe4765128c6ad6", 23005862));
You can get an MCP object instance by providing a json link too : .withMCP("https://url.com/launcher/mcp.json");
Nothing else to add :).
(You need to setup a vanilla updater !)
First, in your vanilla version builder, change the version type to VersionType.FABRIC
Next, make a List of Mod objects like for a ForgeVersion.
Then, build a Fabric version.
FabricVersion fabricVersion = new FabricVersionBuilder()
.withFileDeleter(new ModFileDeleter("sodium.jar")) // delete bad mods ; but it won't remove the file sodium.jar if it's present in the mods' dir.
Finally, set the Fabric version corresponding to the wanted Fabric version :
That's all!
External Files
With FlowUpdater, you can download other files in your update dir!
In your FlowUpdaterBuilder, precise an array list of ExternalFile (can be got by ExternalFile#getExternalFilesFromJson
About json files...
All json files can be generated by the FlowUpdaterJsonCreator !
Post executions
With FlowUpdater, you can execute some actions after update, like patch a file, kill a process, launch a process, review a config etc... In your FlowUpdaterBuilder, precise a list of Runnable.
And all it's done !