The color pallet are not displayed for the following options : https://prnt.sc/uycv44 https://prnt.sc/uycvx1
The colors for the footer do not apply : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l-oSUJJqaAtFOh7sAeoVvcsogMkKkJ-z/view
The colors for the navigation will not apply to any of the elements : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14pB9CrJTD5ALFGUJdoKP-Moa3MYWOrjW/view
The typography colors will not apply : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pWOQj3QnRpCZ9Eu56-5d-EYyCqP9X9FT/view
If we try to add only the second main color , it will not apply : https://prnt.sc/uyatdm
The themes accent colors will not apply until publish them and reload the page : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WuWnTf2Nczs0fN0I6L-RdBRKhQtN0e__/view
1)The font family dropdown for the paragraphs will not fully display when we choose a font family like "Lato" for example : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wMZJQW_XN_7Fhv_UG1kFy02ldelmTSTX/view 2) Also there is an issue with...
Font-weight will not apply to the page title , but it will apply to the H2 page title : https://prnt.sc/uyaa73
When we activate/deactivate the ratio button for the logo , it doesn't do anything : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IqGMyANFBEW7ePfg8j6kN669X7Sg4vje/view
If we activate that option , the Fancybox will not appear anymore : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qaK5bPJeHytexU2I8P7SDL99lgqvQ0GU/view Tested with WP 5.6