anonymize-video icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
anonymize-video copied to clipboard

Replace faces in a video with imaginary persons generated by a progressive GAN deep neural network

Anonymize video

Video anonymization demo

The purpose of this script is to detect faces in an input video file and replace them with imaginary faces.

Random faces are generated by the "Progressive growing of GANs" DNN model pre-trained by NVIDIA. Each frame of the input video is extracted using OpenCV and analyzed using dlib to detect faces and facial landmarks. Each face is then wrapped with one of the faces imagined by the GAN.

Video anonymization demo


Clone this repository:

git clone

Install the required python3 modules: (Note: You will need CUDA)

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Download the progressive growing of GANs model from NVIDIA. And save it under models/karras2018iclr-celebahq-1024x1024.pkl

Download the facial landmarks detector model from dlib. Extract it and save it under models/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat

Run the script on an input video:

./ input.mp4 output.avi

Demo files

Two examples of input videos can be downloaded from here and here

Video anonymization demo


If this scripts stops early with an error "0 faces found in a dreamed image. Aborting." just re-run the script once again. This happens from time to time, when the Progressive GAN network generates faces that are not recognized by dlib


The code in is an original work released under the terms of the MIT license. Some of the functions in are issued from face_morpher, also licensed under MIT.

The code in is from NVIDIA and it is solely required to run their .pkl model. It is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial.