Create search bar (input box) with options to improve user experience Reference: https://community.plotly.com/t/datalists-and-input/6040/7
Proposal to applied in each notebook using naas_drivers.linkedin: SETUP LINKEDIN: If you are using the Chrome Extension: - [Install Naas Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/naas/cpkgfedlkfiknjpkmhcglmjiefnechpp?hl=fr&authuser=0) - [Create a new token](https://app.naas.ai/hub/token) - Copy/Paste your...
Create a weekly newsletter based on activity INPUT repo_url email receivers MODEL No of issues / var No PR/var HTML email OUTPUT Send email
Issue: Naas Assets can only be generated from dev env so we are able to use it with a Scheduler. Target: Be able to generate a public URL from the...
Create notebooks pipeline to be executed asynchronous and display result with Pyvis (dag) or in list.
API: https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/api/crm/companies Create 4 notebooks (IMO framework) in the HubSpot folder to interact with the company object.
Using the same kind of model as https://github.com/jupyter-naas/awesome-notebooks/blob/master/YahooFinance/YahooFinance_Send_daily_prediction_to_Email.ipynb Without the email sending part, but where the end is an HTML content with: - Logo → 🛢 (here an emoji but...