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DiscordJS v12 module that allow easy audit log tracking in channels


A simple Discord.js v13 Module that send join/leave/ban/unban and nickname/discriminator/username/avatar in custom channel.

Important note

This package is originally release as an NPMJS package named "discord-auditlog".
It's available at (https://www.npmjs.com/package/discord-auditlog)
While I accept suggestion and contribution, I can't provide support or vouch for to other forks.

##Discord.js v13 compatibility
Require the following Intents to be requested: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MEMBERS', 'GUILD_BANS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES', 'GUILD_VOICE_STATES'] If yu want to test while Discord.js v13 isn't released yet, you can use with npm install discord-playing

##Discord.js v11 and v12 compatibility You can install DiscordJS v11 and v12 version using tag. These aren't maintained anymore. V11: npm install [email protected]
V12: npm install [email protected]


This module assumes you already have a basic Discord.js bot setup.
Simply type the following command to install the module and it depedencies.

npm i discord-auditlog

Once you've done this, setting the module will be very easy.
And you can follow the code below to get started!

Type of log being tracked

Members movements: (default channel: audit-log)

  • Member Join the Server
  • Member Leave the Server
  • Member is Kicked from the Server (Require "View Audit Log" Permission)
  • Member is Banned
  • Member is Unbanned

Auditlog (default channel: audit-log)

  • Member Nickname Change
  • Member Update Avatar
  • Member Update Discriminator
  • Member Update Username

Auditlog: (default channel: audit-log)

  • Member Role Changed (require trackrole: true)

Audit Message: (disabled by default)

  • Message Deleted
  • Message Updated

Voice Status Update: (disabled by default)

  • Member joining a Channel
  • Member leaving a Channel
  • Member switching a Channel

Single-Server Usage without configuration (no server ID required in the configuration)

const Auditlog = require("discord-auditlog");
// will send all event to #audit-logs channel
// will send movement (join/leave) to #in-out channel if the channel exist

Single-Server Usage without configuration (no server ID required in the configuration)

const Auditlog = require("discord-auditlog");
// will send all event to #audit-logs channel
// will send movement (join/leave) to #in-out channel if the channel exist
Auditlog(bot, {
	"serverid": {
		auditlog: "audit-log",	
		movement: "in-out",
		auditmsg: false, // Default to fasle, recommend to set a channel
		voice: false, // Set a Channel name if you want it
		trackroles: true, // Default is False
		// excludedroles: ['671004697850544111', '671004697850544112']  // This is an OPTIONAL array of Roles ID that won't be tracked

Multi-Servers Usage

const AutoRole = require("discord-streaming");
Auditlog(bot, {
	"serverid1": {
		auditlog: "audit-log",
		movement: "in-out",
		auditmsg: false, // Default to fasle, recommend to set a channel
		voice: false, // Set a Channel name if you want it
		trackroles: true, // Default is False
		excludedroles: ['671004697850544111', '671004697850544112']  // This is an OPTIONAL array of Roles ID that won't be tracked
	"serverid2": {
		auditlog: "audit-log",
		movement: "in-out",
		auditmsg: false, // Default to fasle, recommend to set a channel
		voice: false, // Set a Channel name if you want it
		trackroles: true, // Default is False



This module was initialy coded for the Bucherons.ca gamers community, the Star Citizen Organization "Gardiens du LYS", Bar Citizen Coordinators and Bar Citizen Montreal Discord Servers.


Ce module a initiallement été conçu pour la communauté de gamers Bucherons.ca, la communauté gaming pour adultes au Québec, l'organisation Québecoise dans Star Citizen des Gardiens du Lys, les serveurs Discord de Bar Citizen Coordinators et Québec Orbital / Bar Citizen Montreal.

Liens: https://www.bucherons.ca, https://www.gardiensdulys.com, https://www.barcitizen.sc, https://www.barcitizenmtl.com


You can reach me via my Discord Development Server at https://discord.gg/Tmtjkwz


3.0.3 - cleaned v13 build 3.0.1 - Initial release for DiscordJS v13
2.4.5 - Adding more fix for deleted message
2.4.4 - Adding more fix for deleted message
2.4.3 - Adding more fix for deleted message
2.4.2 - Adding Ting-c fix on deleted message
2.4.0 - Adding Experimental Kick Detection Capability, improvement coming shortly! (Huge thanks to DarylJG94)
2.3.2 - Hotfix to prevent crashes related to new Stage Channel. Require DiscordJS 12.5.2. Will be improved once DiscordJS fully support these channel.
2.2.5 - Improved README.md format (OwenPotent)
2.2.3 - Added ability to use channel ID instead of channel name (it check name, then id if name isn`t found)
2.2.2 - Initial commit to GitHub
2.0.0 - Initial DiscordJS V12 Compatibility
1.9.4 - Latest version compatible with DiscordJS V11, use "npm i [email protected]" to install