What if I could generate shortcut apps with banners that come from third-party apps, similar to icon packs?
What if I could read the launcher shortcuts from an XML file or dynamically on Android 7.1+ devices and make it easy to put those Intents into a shortcut on...
What if I could generate shortcuts with a specific Intent to an activity in this app. This Intent would load a specific list of apps, much like a folder.
Requesting full file system access may seem scary, and is unnecessary. We should be using the [scoped directory system]( to go `Downloads` only.
Can Firebase Cloud Messages be used?
With our video data, allow users to quickly open up a video player to watch the video. Related to #8.
We know the installed version and we know our latest version. Compare each and offer updates if possible.
Using metadata from apps, create a Live Channel that can display YouTube video trailers for the apps (assuming these videos exist). The app link would be an install card which...