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More uses for gasoline?
I'm playing my first game with Immersive Engineering & Petroleum. And with no other tech mods. I built my first simple oil refining setup. And after a short while, I'm swimming in gasoline, with no obvious use for it.
Only use that comes to mind is to build a wall of portable generators and use that for power generation. But that feels cheap.
Things that come to mind :
- Napalm. Most obvious and simple choice. Just combine gasoline and aluminum or iron grit in mixer. Great in chemical thrower. But doesn't really solve problem of overabundance of gasoline, unless you run around setting everything on fire.
- Gasoline station. Basically idea of selling gasoline for money on virtual market. Set up the station, pipe in gasoline and power. And it will automatically turn the gasoline into emeralds (or other "money" thing).
- Make it usable in drill (most obvious thing) or make different tools that make use of it, like chainsaw
Good ideas - I especially like the first
The Gasoline Station would be good for a Vehicle-based IE addon (i.e. Cars, Trucks, Boats)
Now I want Immersive Cars. And Immersive Boats.
I love the Napalm idea, and that it was added! Finally a fun use for excess Gasoline! Still have a bunch of it though. If there was a decent car mod that used this mods gas, it would help.
I do have one issue though, in that the napalm doesn't seem to ignite when using it as a Chemical Thrower fuel. I switched back and forth between ignition on and off, and back again, to test, but, no. Still doesn't light. Probably just a single misplaced value, as it often is with programming.
I really like the idea of the chainsaw that would be really cool and would actually fit the mod
The Ultimate Car mod adds a fuel pump to fuel cars that can charge per quantity used, I added gasoline as a compatible fuel and felt like such a good way to use it. Maybe IP could have more tools or future feature using it. And the idea of selling diesel or gasoline feels awesome. Maybe a fluid counter? then itll allow a set mB of a liquid per X item (like emerald) and only the owner can take the money out. You could sell all sorts of liquids!
Come to think of it. A power counter would also be amazing...
@Nerodon, I second that! Especially the power counter, as I've been wanting to find a server with IEngin, IPetro, and ITech (as well as Extreme reactors) to set up a power company and sell energy/fuels!
Zetta Industries has an RF meter. It also has OpenComputers support, so automating billing and stuff is possible.
Maybe a big gasoline generator like the diesel generator ? Or a way to convert gasoline to diesel ? In the refinery for example.
Second the gasoline generator idea. Would be a massive use-case for gasoline.