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[suggestion] additional implants and mechanics
so, im having a ton of fun with this mod in the current pack im playing. as a result ive thought about a couple cool implants and mechanics.
additional parts:
- deployable glider: basically an inbuilt elytra; only consumes power to deploy and retract, however it has large tolerance cost, since its a big part like a robotic limb.
° glider upgrade jet boost: hitting space during flight consumes battery power to grant a speed boost while glider is deployed
° cyber arm upgrade arm cannon: basically adds a shotgun to your arm maybe other weapons possible ° cyber arm upgrade grappling hook: fires a hook on a steel cable that hooks enemies towards you, or hooks you towards terrain ° cyber arm upgrade integrated shield: adds a sci fi looking, partially transparant round shield that deploys immediately when in combat and allows to block attacks via right click like a vanilla shield. items held in that hand are automatcally swapped out for the shield.
- subdermal nano tube mesh: skin implant; grants iron level armor, or leather level armor with armor toughness
° cyber eye upgrade targeting support: basically aimbot. slightly corrects aim at targeted enemy. if you have an enemy directly in your crosshair, your bow shot will aim slightly higher, depending on distance to the enemy. if you have a sword in your hand and hold down the left mouse button, the sword will not swing unless the enemy is in range. (allows sword attacks at absolute max range).
digital storage: multiple implants possible; adds inventory expansion. the module looks kinda like applied energistics/refined storage disks
heat sink module: t1 puts out fire when youre burning, t2 prevents damage from lava. drains decent power while in use (so it can prevent death by falling in lava, but not for long)
combat drone pets: small craftable quad copters with attached guns, follow simple commands like wolves (follow, stay, attack etc.)
drone control module: cranium implant; allows to assume manual control of combat drones. the player becomes entirely inactive and the player perspective switches to the drone. can be used to scout and fight. also needs cyber eyes for the visual input.
additional mechanics:
large cyber parts like arms and legs grant a small amount of armor (it just makes sense. theyre robotic parts and stronger than flesh)
enemies with gliders drop in from the sky and occationally and attack you (thats the only ones you can salvage the glider tech from)
Lots of interesting ideas here - especially like the shield / grappling hook
Same here. If the AvP mod updates (which it will eventually), maybe add
Corrosion module - Works to prevent corrosion by xenomorph acid. Electroshock module - Can prevent impregnation by shocking the facehugger off your head, costing a small amount of power. Foreign organism removal module - Removes a foreign organism (i.e. belugamorph, protomorph, neomorph or xenomorph embryo) from the body. Has a large chance to fail and deal 2.5 hearts of damage to you.
These cyberware augments would only be available if AvP is installed. Not a dependency, just a feature that adds a bit of compatibility and new features to toy with.