flagsmith copied to clipboard
Dependent flags
Flags being dependent on other flags has been requested several times.
One option for this would be to allow flag booleans/values to be used as segment operator values. So for example, if you wanted Flag B to only be enabled if Flag A is enabled:
- Create Flag A. Set as disabled.
- Create Flag B. Set as disabled.
- Create Segment. Single Rule: If Value of Flag A is set.
- Set a segment override on Flag B: If Segment set, override Flag B value to true.
Cross-Project dependencies
We often get asked "Can we have a project with shared flags and a project with specific flags for e.g. iOS that combines both sets of flags". We could achieve this functionality with cross-project dependencies. Eg:
- Create a shared project and a flag
- Create an Android project
- Create an iOS project
- Create a flag in iOS and one in Android,
and make it dependent on the shared project flag.
We've talked about this here but maybe the above solution would be sufficient
Will this function like a keystone flag? If Flag A is enabled I can also enabled Flag B-F?
Will this function like a keystone flag? If Flag A is enabled I can also enabled Flag B-F?
Sorry I'm not clear what you mean here?
From your example in the description will I be able to set the value of one flag based on another flag. Will I be able to set the value of multiple flags based on Flag A?
That would get me close to something like this: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/KeystoneInterface.html
Yes that is what this would achieve.
Related discussion on Stack Overflow here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77011138/make-feature-flag-required-based-on-another-feature-flag-in-flagsmith/78060046?noredirect=1#comment137673786_78060046