BeatSaberPresence copied to clipboard
no work
am i doing something wrong or is it just not working with new updates
Do you have all the dependencies?
I'm also not seeing my presence update after installing this mod, I'm fairly sure I have all the listed dependencies. Running Beat Saber version 1.25.0
It works with fine for me on 1.25.0 with dependencies (BSML, SiraUtil, DiscordCore) installed. Beat Saber Markup Language obtained from modassistant
I updated all dependencies of both DiscordCore and this plugin, including updating the Discord Game SDK to version 3.2.1 and that seems to have solved my issue
That's great to hear!
I did some further testing and it seems the mod works perfectly fine as it is with 0 changes, but it takes Discord 30+ seconds to display the first rich presence update basically every time the game is started. Afterwards it works perfectly well with about 1-3 seconds of delay between songs starting and the presence updating, which might also be a limitation of the client itself throttling the updates. So if anyone thinks their mod is broken, wait a minute or so after launching the game and you should see the Rich Presence update.
Not working for me on 1.25.1 :(