Leor Barak Fishman

Results 16 comments of Leor Barak Fishman

Heh, I actually just had thoughts for this -- I'd recommend as a first pass splitting up the time/location stamps into 0.05 degree lat long square chunks in location and...

(Btw, if you subtract laplacian noise with lambda ~-0.87, you'll get pretty good DP for a first iteration) (i.e. once you get the list of covid people, subtract (https://docs.rs/GSL/0.4.25/rgsl/randist/laplace/fn.laplace.html) 2*abs(laplace(0.87))...

(and there's no risk of false negatives)

Sure: DP = differential privacy Search-decision: you repeatedly put in your location at slightly different places to figure out/triangulate the precise locations of every person with the virus, first executing...

A constant circle is no better than a single point, since you can figure out the bounds of the circle with enough queries and just note the center. (in fact,...

I mean, I don't see any way to handle scaling this to lots of users (which is the only way it's really useful) without risking 'an attacker makes lots of...

https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-software-guard-extensions-intel-sgx/topic/748096 seems relevant?

Sure. Register user is a new API call entirely for user ID generation. addLocationHistory and convertTimeRangeToInfected together replace the addPersonalData endpoint. Under this architecture the find-match endpoint is entirely deprecated,...