obs-service-cargo copied to clipboard
Vendoring kftray/kftui fails with "invalid Cargo.lock format version: `4`\n"
Hi all,
started packaging yesterday kftray, but the vendoring fails due to a "invalid Cargo.lock format version. Not sure if this is on kftray or on the service?
Kind Regards, Johannes
cargo version used was 1.81.
Running source_service 'cargo_vendor' ...
2024-10-04T06:37:58.975240Z INFO cargo_vendor: 🎢 Starting OBS Service Cargo Vendor.
2024-10-04T06:37:58.975252Z WARN cargo_vendor: ⚠ Cargo Vendor has been rewritten in rust!
This rewrite introduces some small changes to how vendoring functions for your package.
* cargo_config is no longer created - it's part of the vendor.tar now
* You can safely remove lines related to cargo_config from your spec file
* multiple cargotoml files can be specified and share a single vendor.tar
* If multiple cargo.toml files are present update does not work. This is a known
limitation of the process
* cargo_audit is now part of cargo_vendor, meaning you don't have to configure it separately
2024-10-04T06:37:58.975312Z INFO obs_service_cargo::utils: 🍿 Vendoring for src 'kftray'
2024-10-04T06:37:58.979356Z INFO obs_service_cargo::utils: 📚 Project uses a workspace!
2024-10-04T06:37:58.979372Z INFO obs_service_cargo::vendor: ⏫ Updating dependencies before vendor
2024-10-04T06:38:03.536143Z INFO obs_service_cargo::vendor: ⏫ Successfully ran cargo update
2024-10-04T06:38:03.540092Z ERROR obs_service_cargo::audit: cargo_lock_err=Parse("parse error: invalid Cargo.lock format version: `4`\n")
2024-10-04T06:38:03.540101Z ERROR obs_service_cargo::utils: Unable to complete cargo audit rustsec_err=Error { kind: BadParam, msg: "parse error: parse error: invalid Cargo.lock format version: `4`\n", source: None }
2024-10-04T06:38:03.540106Z ERROR obs_service_cargo::cli: err=kind: cargo audit process failed
reason: Unable to complete cargo audit
2024-10-04T06:38:03.541082Z ERROR cargo_vendor: kind: cargo vendor process failed
reason: kind: cargo audit process failed
reason: Unable to complete cargo audit
Error: kind: cargo vendor process failed
reason: kind: cargo audit process failed
reason: Unable to complete cargo audit
Aborting: service call failed: /usr/lib/obs/service/cargo_vendor --update true --srcdir kftray --outdir /home/xxx/kftui/tmplrjm82ey.cargo_vendor.service