AudioWaves copied to clipboard
Cannot use second audio recording simultaneously
What do you mean by second audio recording?
Hi, i have the same problematic :
- I use doubango library for make SIP call
- I use your lib for display level volume
However, when I call someone the application starts to freeze and my voice is not transferring Once I remove the layout of your library , it works again.
have you got a solution for use MIC from 2 thread ?
I have the same problem: When using a MediaRecorder to record voice, and doing startListening() when the recording starts I get the following error for the recorder:
E/MediaRecorder: start failed: -38
Removing the lib solves the issue.
我也遇到了这个问题,不过我重写了IVisualizer和Visualizer这两个类。 将Visualizer中的prepare()里面的 AudioDispatcher dispatcher = AudioDispatcherFactory.fromDefaultMicrophone(22050, 1024, 0); 设为全局变量,并且修改stopListening()为: @Override public void stopListening() { dispatcher.stop(); listeningThread.interrupt(); } 最后再使用这个Visualizer在XML布局中,并且在我使用过这个lib的Activity中 @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); visualizer.stopListening(); visualizer = null; } 就解决了这个问题。
我也遇到了这个问题,不过我重写了IVisualizer和Visualizer这两个类。 将Visualizer中的prepare()里面的 AudioDispatcher dispatcher = AudioDispatcherFactory.fromDefaultMicrophone(22050, 1024, 0); 设为全局变量,并且修改stopListening()为: @override public void stopListening() { dispatcher.stop(); listeningThread.interrupt(); } 最后再使用这个Visualizer在XML布局中,并且在我使用过这个lib的Activity中 @override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); visualizer.stopListening(); visualizer = null; } 就解决了这个问题。
请贴一下重写之后的类么?或者能具体说下重写并修改了哪些地方了?单单只是修改stopLIstening 还是一样会崩溃。谢谢。