Akshanjay Kompelli
Akshanjay Kompelli
Some notes on the upgrade checker: 1. If you on the docker MySQL terminal and type `mysqlsh -u root -p` and enter the password we use in the setup' 2....
If we plan to transfer the data from MySQL to PostgreSQL then we should try to use: https://www.yellowduck.be/posts/migrating-your-wagtail-site-to-a-different-database-engine and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72400904/migrate-from-mysql-to-postgre-in-google-cloud-sql Upgrading the database is easier compared to migrating from MySQL...
Note: This may also effect the #1145 branch as the deprecation of node-sass and its update to 9.0.0 combined with the node version caused breaking changes to our codebase. I...
> Do you mean that [email protected] broke with the current Node version (v14)? Yes. I looked at node-sass on npm website and found that it would be outside of the...
When we update node-sass we get [breaking changes](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/breaking-changes/slash-div/). Gist: `/` is used for division and as a CSS separator. To reduce the confusion the slash is not used for division...
After some discussion in the meeting we have come to a consensus that we would not be able to win a war against the adblockers as they will continuously improve...
This is something we should [consider](https://sass-lang.com/blog/libsass-is-deprecated/). After a bit of reading on npm I have realized that node-sass and the node are not compatible. Therefore, any weird behaviors' from the...
@SamuelmdLow, when you release the new homepage and section page design we can merge it with the current branch and work on the hover behavior of the article's thumbnail.
`// 2022/05/25 - Galleries are a good idea, but broken. For all the below the best idea is likely "preserve and debug"` A note made by Mei (I believe) within...