Workers can be used to process ImageData asynchronously, and WebAssembly can be used for speedup. Some useful links: - [Canvas ImageData to Web Worker - gist]( - [Image styling and...
C++ code for the Worker function: ```cpp void updateAlpha(unsigned char* data, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { int red = data[i];...
@jonobr1 Frankly, it is worth considering abandoning Canvas 2D altogether, as it is an obsolete technology that slows down progress. Such useful effects as glow, blur and shadows will also...
I have the same issue with the last Docker and a pre-released WSL: ``` Docker Desktop 4.26.1 (131620), Client/Engine: 24.0.7, API 1.43 Compose v2.23.3-desktop.2 WSL: (pre-release) ``` This also...
The install is really awful. It requires Python and a correct version of VS Buiild Tools to be already installed.
> > The install is really awful. It requires Python and a correct version of VS Buiild Tools to be already installed. > > I agree that Python is absolutely...
An example of incorrectly incoming code that produces an error: ```javascript \r; const impørt_mêtä = { hot: __compatNollup__(module) };\n \r\n const app = new App({target: document.body});\r\n \r\n __e__('default', app);;\r\n \r\n...
I thought the reason was the **rollup-plugin-hot** code, but this function is not even called: ```javascript const splitFirstLine = code => { const eolIndex = code.indexOf('\n') if (eolIndex === -1)...
The example code was taken from here:
I was right that the error is in the **splitFirstLine()** function, but it is in a this file: **\node_modules\rollup-plugin-hot-nollup\compat-nollup.js** but not that: **\node_modules\rollup-plugin-hot\lib\compat-nollup.js**