front-tests copied to clipboard
An exemple how to test your front with mocha and phantomjs
An example on how to test your front with mocha and phantomjs
Install phantomjs
Run the phantomjs script
$ ./bin/headless-mocha --cwd example
# or maybe
$ ./bin/headless-mocha
It will print this following output:
✓ should append a value
✓ should return the length
✓ should remove and return the last value
✓ should adjust .length
Test web
✓ should print `Hey guy` when clicking on link toto
✔ 5 tests complete (650ms)
The script is a facade and wrapper to mocha runner. The HTML test suite is not relying on scrapping to get back the results, Mocha runner is invoked directly within the PhantomJS instance, allowing you to specify options like reporters (not all but most of mocha reporters are supported)
$ headless-mocha --help
Usage: headless-mocha URL [options]
This script is a wrapper on top of Filirom1s front-tests
PhantomJS runner for mocha.
In addition, this wrapper is able to start a static http server prior
to the PhantomJS / Mocha test suite. The URL is then used by PhantomJS
to open a new webpage, Mocha then runs the test suite and reports results
based on the --reporter
- help show this help message
- cwd Root directory for the built-in webserver
- reporter mocha reporter to use (one of: doc, spec, dot, min, ...)
- noserver prevent the built-in http server from starting
- port specify the port of the built-in http server [3000]
This package exposes a bin
you can decide to install globally, but it's not recommended.
The best way to integrate the runner in your workflow is to add it as a test
step within your build tool. This build tool can then use the internal binary
linked by npm in node_modules/.bin/headless-mocha
to not rely on global installs.
Using Make
See tasks/
Include this file into your project Makefile to get any targets defined below.
include node_modules/front-tests/tasks/*.mk
Configure below options prior to the include to match your setup. Example:
# Location of the test directory and files to watch
TEST_DIR ?= test
TEST_FILES ?= $(shell find $(TEST_DIR) -name '*.js' -o -name '*.html')
# The URL to load
MOCHA_TEST_URL ?= http://localhost:3000
# Path to the xUnit XML report for mocha test suite
MOCHA_REPORT ?= reports/mocha.xml
# The reporter to use with `mocha` target
Any option above can be left out, these values are the default ones.
Using Grunt
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile. Add it to your package.json dependencies.
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:
The configuration:
'headless-mocha': {
// the only required option is `url`
url: 'http://localhost:3000'
cwd: 'example',
reporter: 'xunit'
You can then use grunt headless-mocha
to run the test suite.
Setup your test suite
Test suite are not different from standard HTML test suite. If your test suite is running properly in your browser, then it should work properly using this headless runner.
Serve the example folder using pushState (use serve-filirom1
This project is mainly inspired, copied from:
- node.js util sources
- @jeytrapp PhantomJS Mocha Scrapper
- phantomjs injectme example
- underscore.js debounce