It surely is possible to implement, I am thinking more about the implications of such experimental syntax - one of them might be user confusion. Because if there are more...
I think 2 and 3 are perfectly reasonable, the only thing I am not sure is the semantics of 3. The second number is a step or a next number...
I am not sure if i understand correctly, but would not such shift alter the semantics?
Well, when nesting methods or classes I would expect the scope to change compared to top level ones.
And how about the nested methods/assignments accessing some objects from outer scope? Probably some kind of lexical scoping is necessary for this.
Again - I apologize if I am talking about something different from what you mean by this issue. As for the example, [here]( is a material I used when learning...
Python solves the last problem with standard library [textwrap.dedent](
Haskell does it even nicer. It makes the user to decide where the leading indentation ends and the actual string value starts
Bump! Do we have any ideas or preferences about this? I kind of like the very first example as we can simply add a rule - adjacent string literals are...
I was not aware of the linefold functionality, If it is possible to avoid some indentation ambiguity that way, that would be great. Regarding your example, well, I still dont...