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Clean up your controllers, slim up your models, handle more use cases


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Form objects are a great way to clean up your controllers and models.

Whenever your Rails application grows, you will eventually end up with bloated models and controllers. Even though Rails is awesome, it often leads you toward putting unnecessary logic in your controllers and models.

Take the bull by the horns, use ActiveFormObjects, and start cleaning up your mess ! 💪

A few benefits :

  • Keep business logic out of the Controller and models
  • Add validation support to plain Ruby object using ActiveModel
  • Display data validation errors in the form

For more infos regarding this pattern, see this blog post


Getting started



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_form_objects'


$ bundle install

Then, depending on your usage you may want to create an app/forms folder in your Rails application.

You will put all your forms inside of it.

A form is just a class that extends ActiveFormObjects::Base.

On top of all its features, ActiveFormObjects gives you access to the entire Active Model stack.

The Form layer

The form layer

A form object can be decoupled into three parts.

  • Params filtering and validating
  • Any business logic
  • Communication with model

Even though it seems to be a lot to handle for a single class, remember that most of it used to be (poorly done) in your controller.

A basic example

You have a User model. This model has a password field and on creation you want to verify that password and password_confirm match.

This logic does not belong to your User model.

Indeed, User only needs to know that the User has a password, furthemore, User does not have a password_confirm field, so you would need to add attr_accessor and custom validation into your User model.

Seems a bit to much to handle for a User model that is also used in a thousand other use cases...

ActiveFormObjects allows you to refactor this logic and put it where it belongs.

In this case :

class RegistrationController
  def create!

class RegistrationForm < ActiveFormObjects::Base
  resource User
  attributes :email, :password, :password_confirm
  validate :confirmation_match

  def confirmations_match
    errors.add(:password, "must match password_confirm") if password != password_confirm

class User
  validates :email, :password, presence: true

Another example

Another great example where a FormObject becomes necessary is when you have several ways to create or update a model.

A typical use case would be as follow :

form example

In the above example, you have two distinct ways of creating your User.

Therefore you need distinct validations to handle those cases, and your model must not handle them.


Using a declarated form is very simple. Consider this form :

class ExampleForm < ActiveFormObjects::Base
  resource Example
  attributes :name

  before_save :capitalize_name

  def capitalize_name

You have two ways of using it :

Without resource

form = 'Michael')

# Will create an instance of Example
@user =!
# => Example#{ name: 'Michael' }

With resource

form ={ name: 'Nicolas' }, @user)

# Will update the given resource!
# => Example#{ name: 'Nicolas' }

Note that you can of course override the save! method

class ExampleForm < ActiveFormObjects::Base
  def save!
   # do nothing

The provided save! method is just a helper that does

  • validate!
  • Uses ActiveRecord::Base.transaction
  • Returns the resource

For more informations on saving, please read the dedicated section

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