
Results 224 issues of FichteFoll

We don't currently provide completions from extended syntax definitions, neither variable nor context.


With ST4, we can implement our on_navigate callback as a command and thus also allow people to bind a key to this command. To make this work properly, we would...


Sublime Merge uses the same core as Sublime Text, which means basically all resource file types are shared. I haven't spent too much about how support for Merge could look...


With ST4000+ switching to a multi-runtime plugin environment, our method of fetching all plugin-defined commands is currently only able to fetch those of the same runtime. Since the other runtime...


None of the event listeners were tested with multiple views into the same file. Also, none of the ViewEventListeners implement `applies_to_primary_view_only`, which returns `True` by default. This is low priority...


Currently, we just ignore dicts when offering value completions, because 1. we don't know how to handle them in most situations, especially when they occur as secondary values inside a...


There is a thumbnail script out: From an earlier discussion in some IRC channel, I thought you'd like to take a look into it for how much work it...


With the addition of the cache bar (and maybe some time earlier because I probably haven't updated in a while before that), I no longer see the progress bar for...


It would be neat if progressbar could render a chapter's name/title when hovering it. Above the hover time would probably work. (Awesome for navigating YouTube videos with timestamps in the...


I was trying to deserialize a mapping of strings to sets and was met with the following error: ``` com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.util.HashSet` from Object value (token...
