Federico Zivolo

Results 282 comments of Federico Zivolo

I just wanted to add that the same issue is affecting wine/whisky on macOS and Cities Skylines 2, builds

@Dastari thanks, but it would really make sense to fix it in this library... I tried to look at the code but couldn't figure out where the problem is. Also,...

I tried to add `|| result.loading` to https://github.com/trojanowski/react-apollo-hooks/blob/master/src/useQuery.ts#L140 The issue is the `observableQuery` gets invalidated when the query variable change, so the `observableQuery.getLastResult()` returns undefined, because we are asking the...

@trojanowski react-apollo doesn't empties the data object between refetches, this issue exists exactly because the behavior is different (and generates a bug on our app)

Please take a look at the same example, but made with `react-apollo`: https://codesandbox.io/s/ywp7w756vv

@trojanowski may we get an updated take on this issue after my recent clarifications? If your concern with my PR is just the `fetchMore` behavior, I can work on it...

I know it's not nice to do, but really, bump. I wonder if you could use the Docker ARM emulation to build it? https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/docker/building-arm-container-on-x86/

@STRML it looks like they found a solution using GitHub Actions here? https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/cross-compiling-ocaml-with-github-actions/9154

Hello? Isn't Facebook using the new Macs for development?

Any update on this? The ARM binary has been available for a while already but it's not yet included in npm releases.