Federico Zivolo

Results 282 comments of Federico Zivolo


Probably you are using the new JSX transform, I don't think it's supported right now.

It is, they released a new version to support it.

How can I import it before react hot loader in Create React App?

Any chance you could use Babel macros to overcome the limitation?

> Any chance you could use Babel macros to overcome the limitation? Bump? I can't believe Babel can't help here.

Would it be enough to alias `react` with `@welldone-software/why-did-you-render`?

In that case, maybe it's not very ergonomic, but one could use the `resolutions` field of Yarn to replace `react` with `@welldone-software/why-did-you-render`. Does the package export everything the original `react`...

I just realized the `@babel/preset-react` plugin should support a `/** @jsxImportSource react */` comment. If we use that in `index.js` and set it to `/** @jsxImportSource @welldone-software/why-did-you-render */` would the...

I suppose it only does that for the one in the wdyr.js module, but from what I could observe everything is working good all around the app