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:tada: Festify Host & Client

Results 68 app issues
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People seem to add songs in huge lists by artist, so I get full albums of the same people. It would be awesome to be able to either shuffle the...

Hey! When attempting to create a party, app gets stuck on "Authorizing..." and a CORS error is thrown in console. ``` Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading...

As we all know, music from other countries are blocked on Spotify because it depends on the music provider which country are they gonna release their music so using of...

Hi, I just wondered how feasible would it be to add other playlists as fallback options? For example, the ones created by Spotify themselves? That is if the project is...

On the current beta release of chrome there is no playback sound. I am not shure if this is because Spotify or Festify. It is working finde for 72.0.3626.121. ![Peek...

When the last song is finished playing and then new songs are added, you need to press the play button again, before the songs start to playback. I suggest a...

Is it possible to implement a better search function, something like in the Spotify app. My wife isn't so good in remembering tittles.. So implement search on artist, click on...

## The dependency [@polymer/polymer]( was updated from `3.1.0` to `3.2.0`. 🚨 [View failing branch]( This version is **covered** by your **current version range** and after updating it in your project...


Hey guys, Quick feature request, It'd be great if there was an option to crossfade songs, similar to how you can enable it in the regular Spotify app, maybe even...

High Priority

I was using festify the other day and was enjoying it. But one problem I encountered was that when you add too many songs and they get voted i.e. the...