Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API copied to clipboard
SkipLastField called on an end-group tag, indicating that the corresponding start-group was missing
I have debuging my web project i building on my computer without any problems but now when i deploying it to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and login in i getting this:
`Google.Protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: SkipLastField called on an end-group tag, indicating that the corresponding start-group was missing
at Google.Protobuf.CodedInputStream.SkipLastField()
at POGOProtos.Networking.Envelopes.ResponseEnvelope.MergeFrom(CodedInputStream input)
at PokemonGo.RocketAPI.Extensions.HttpClientExtensions.
Any ideas why i getting this, when i google it its not so many that got this problem.
The same issue when i debug on virtual machine on Microsoft azure
Damit now i got it on my own server also....
Niantic appears to be specifically blocking the AWS port range. By debugging some HTTP Requests i get following data from stream every time: `...