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Fennec is a multi-threaded, robust Dart Server-Side Framework.
Fennec is a multi-threaded, robust Dart Server-Side Framework.
Packages | pub |
fennec (core framework) | fennec |
fennec_pg | fennec_pg |
fennec_jwt | fennec_jwt |
fennec_socket_io_server | fennec_socket_io_server |
- create a simple dart project. you can use terminal for that dart create 'projectname'
- install the framework from pub.dev
supported features by fennec:
- Multi-threaded http request.
- Sharing Data between Isolates if using multiples Isolates.
- WebSocket request.
- Handling requests with a simple and solid Router logic.
- Handling dynamic path routes.
- Middlewares at level of every request and Router level.
- Templates rendering system with html extension.
- Handling Form Data.
make your first request:
you can make a request by creating a [Route] and add it to [Application] instance or create a [Router] and add it to [application] instance.
create a Router.
Router testRouter() {
Router router = Router();
path: "/test",
requestHandler: (context, req, res) async {
return res.ok(body: "hello world");
return router;
it must be a typedef MiddlewareHandler and must return always MiddleWare. here an example how to implement it:
Future<Middleware> testMiddleware(ServerContext serverContext, Request req, Response res) async {
if (1 == 2) {
return Next();
return Stop(res.forbidden(body: {"error": "not allowed"}).json());
Add Middleware to a Router
you can use also define a Router Middleware by.
serverContext, req, res) {
if (1 == 2) {
return Next();
return Stop(res.forbidden(body: {"error": "not allowed"}).json());
Sharing Data between Isolates if using multiples Isolates.
Isolate is an isolated environment, inside which there is memory allocated to it and its EventLoop. but sometimes you want to share Data between Isolates or have the same Data content on all Isolates.
Fennec let you do that by using Actor Concept.
first you need to create your Actor customized class that is a subclass of Actor.
example how to implement it.
class CustomisedActor extends Actor {
final List<String> _strings = [];
CustomisedActor(String name) : super(name);
FutureOr<void> execute(String action,
{Map<String, dynamic> data = const {}}) {
if (action == 'insert') {
_strings.add(" new item");
} else {
if (_strings.isNotEmpty) {
FutureOr get(String action, {Map<String, dynamic> data = const {}}) {
if (action == "get") {
return _strings;
return null;
after implementing of your needed subclasses of [Actor], you need just to add it/them to your [Application] by using addActor or addActors in [Application] instance.
with [ServerContext] instance you can have access to your Actor/Actors by their name and you can call get and execute methods to return some Data from Actor or execute some operations.
dynamic routes
here is an example how to use dynamic path routes
router.get(path: "
requestHandler: (
context, req, res) {
return res.ok(body: {"id": req.pathParams['id']}).json();
File System Routing
an example how to handle files
router.get(path: "
requestHandler: (
context, req, res) {
return res.ok(body: req.files.first.filename);
Template with html extension
you can render also html templates with fennec Framework. you need to determine the path for your html files. application.setViewPath(path.current + '/example');
an example how to use it.
router.get(path: "
requestHandler: (
context, req, res) {
return res.render("file");
WebSocket is already integrated in the core of Framework. firstly to use Websocket . you need to make the useWebSocket object at [Application] instance true.
how to use it :
router.ws(path: "
websocketHandler: (
context, websocket) {
/// handle new connected websocket client.
Fennec Framework supports also Multithreading over isolates. To increase the number of used isolates just call the function setNumberOfIsolates. the default number of isolates is 1
Start your Server and test your first Request
import 'package:fennec/fennec.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
Application application = Application();
ServerInfo serverInfo = await application.runServer();
print("Server is running at Port ${serverInfo.port}");
heroku cloud: here is heroku-buildpack for dart and inside it an example how to deploy Fennec Framework on heroku cloud for free. to test an example you can try this two endpoints:
for next days, another example for aws and goolge run will be uploaded.
Benchmarks using wrk
after running this endpoint using Fennec Framework on local machine (MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports), we could gets this data:
- t: number of threads
- c: number of open connections
- d: duration of test
router.get(path: "
requestHandler: (
context, req, res) async {
return res.ok(body: "hello world");
wrk -t1 -c100 -d60s http://localhost:8000/example/test
- Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8000/example/test
- 1 threads and 100 connections
- Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
- Latency 6.63ms 1.83ms 86.51ms 96.81%
- Req/Sec 15.30k 1.38k 16.52k 91.17%
- 913472 requests in 1.00m, 177.72MB read
- Requests/sec: 15209.67
- Transfer/sec: 2.96MB
wrk -t10 -c100 -d60s http://localhost:8000/example/test
- Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8000/example/test
- 10 threads and 100 connections
- Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
- Latency 6.50ms 1.27ms 104.08ms 96.71%
- Req/Sec 1.55k 124.24 2.41k 87.15%
- 926903 requests in 1.00m, 180.33MB read
- Requests/sec: 15435.91
- Transfer/sec: 3.00MB
import information
Fennec Framework after with version >= 1.0.0 doesn't support more annotations because the big discussions about the library mirrors. as alernatives you can use Route or Route as showed in this example.