serial_port_win32 copied to clipboard
Getting SetCommError when started again after closing the port.
Hi Team, I am trying to read serial data through USB for flutter windows desktop application. The data gets read the first time properly but when I stop the port and start the reading again, I am getting setCommState error. I am using : serial_port_win32: ^1.3.0
Below is the code I am using to open the port and read the data and close the port.
late SerialPort port; void _getPortsAndClose() { port.close(); showToast( 'Readings stopped successfully', duration: Duration(seconds: 3), position: const ToastPosition(align: Alignment.topRight), backgroundColor: ); }
void _getPortsAndOpen(Device selectedDevice) { final List<PortInfo> portInfoLists = SerialPort.getPortsWithFullMessages(); ports = SerialPort.getAvailablePorts(); String datacopy = ''; print(portInfoLists); print(ports); if (ports.isNotEmpty) {
port = SerialPort(selectedDevice.portName,
openNow: false,BaudRate:9600, ReadIntervalTimeout: 1, ReadTotalTimeoutConstant: 2);;
String incomingData = '';
String completeData = '';
// while (port.isOpened) {
// incomingData = '';
port.readBytesOnListen(8, (value) {
print('check vlaue ${utf8.decode(value)}');
// if (utf8.decode(value) != '+' && utf8.decode(value) != ',') {
incomingData += utf8.decode(value);
print('check incoming data ${incomingData.length}');
if(incomingData.length > 50) {
String trimmedData = incomingData.substring(35);
incomingData = trimmedData;
List<String> parts = incomingData.split(',');
final regex = RegExp(r'\+\d+(?:\.\d+)?'); // Matches numbers optionally followed by a decimal point
List<double> extractedValues = [];
for (var part in parts) {
final match = regex.matchAsPrefix(part);
if (match != null) {
// Extract the captured group (the number) and convert to double
extractedValues.add(double.parse(!.substring(1))); // Remove leading "+"
if (extractedValues.length >= 2) {
completeData = extractedValues[extractedValues.length - 2].toString();
setState(() {data = completeData;});
Can you help me resolve this issue please?
Below are the attempts I did to fix the issue:
1) Tries to set stop bits to 0 and 1, didn't help.
2) Tried giving delay before stopping the port so that if there is any queue it can complete but that also didn't help.