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Problems installing required R packages
Hi, I'm trying to run the code from your tutorial but I'm having trouble installing the required R packages for CDT. I've installed pcalg using Bioconductor and I've installed RCIT from the Diviyan-Kalainathan/RCIT github repo but when I try to use the PC and GES algorithms I get the following errors:
>>> import cdt
Detecting 4 CUDA device(s).
>>> import networkx as nx
>>> from import load_dataset
>>> from cdt.causality.graph import PC
>>> from cdt.causality.graph import GES
>>> data, graph = load_dataset("sachs")
>>> cdt.SETTINGS.rpath = '/users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/bin/Rscript'
>>> model = PC()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cdt/causality/graph/", line 176, in __init__
raise ImportError("R Package (k)pcalg/RCIT is not available. "
ImportError: R Package (k)pcalg/RCIT is not available. RCIT has to be installed from
>>> model = GES()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cdt/causality/graph/", line 110, in __init__
raise ImportError("R Package pcalg is not available.")
ImportError: R Package pcalg is not available.
Do you know how can I install all the required R packages to be able to run the code? Thanks!
Having the same issue
Have you installed the packages on the same R installation that is called by CDT ?
you can find an installation script for ubuntu here: (execute it with sudo
Best, Diviyan
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I checked the location of RScript and it's /users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/bin/Rscript
and the packages are in /users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/lib/R/library
so in my code I set cdt.SETTINGS.rpath = '/users/mlonga/anaconda3/envs/research/bin/Rscript'
, so I think that should be fine.
I found your installation script but I'm not allowed to use sudo, do you have any script that only uses conda or pip to install the packages without sudo?
I also tried running some of the code from the installation script but I got the following error:
$ Rscript -e 'source(""); biocLite(c("CAM", "SID", "bnlearn", "pcalg", "kpcalg", "D2C"))'
Error: With R version 3.5 or greater, install Bioconductor packages using BiocManager; see
I'm using Bioconductor 3.13 so I modified the code as follows, but then I get a lot of warnings and most of the packages fail to be installed:
$ Rscript -e 'BiocManager::install(c("CAM", "SID", "bnlearn", "pcalg", "kpcalg", "D2C"))'
(... a lot of similar warnings ...)
../inst/include/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixBase.h:48:34: required from 'class Eigen::MatrixBase<Eigen::Block<const Eigen::Transpose<const Eigen::Block<Eigen::Block<const Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>, -1, -1, true>, -1, -1, false> >, -1, -1, false> >'
(... a lot of similar warnings ...)
Warning messages:
1: package(s) not installed when version(s) same as current; use `force = TRUE` to
re-install: 'bnlearn' 'pcalg'
2: In .inet_warning(msg) :
packages ‘CAM’, ‘D2C’ are not available for Bioconductor version '3.14'
Versions of these packages for your version of R might be available elsewhere,
see the ideas at
3: In .inet_warning(msg) :
installation of package ‘RcppEigen’ had non-zero exit status
4: In .inet_warning(msg) :
installation of package ‘mgcv’ had non-zero exit status
5: In .inet_warning(msg) :
installation of package ‘SID’ had non-zero exit status
6: In .inet_warning(msg) :
installation of package ‘RSpectra’ had non-zero exit status
7: In .inet_warning(msg) :
installation of package ‘kpcalg’ had non-zero exit status
Maybe there could be a problem with the different package versions, which version of Bioconductor and other packages did you use?
Did you manage to solve this issue? If yes, please assist. Thanks.
No I haven't unfortunately, I just ended up using the cdt docker image.
I encountered the same issue on Windows, it turns out that some of the R packages have been archived, and have to be downloaded in source file tar.gz and then installed with these source files in R.
For instance, with CAM, I found the archive on the CRAN page
And then, I ran the command in R:
It didn't work right away as it did not install the dependencies (glmnet and mboost), which I had to install by hand. I did the same with SID and D2C (for one of them, I also had to do it for the dependency with Rgrapghviz).
Now it seems to work for me, hope that helps other people too.
@aboisbunon you can try
some package can be found on install.package("xxxx", repos="")
some deps cannot be install using snapshot, should install them directly
Hello, I updated the docker installation scripts for debian and ubuntu distributions, for R 4.2.1, please check here, it might give you commands to execute on your device :
Debian : Ubuntu :
This executes without any issues on CircleCI !
Hope this helps, Best regards, Diviyan
I'm trying to run the code from your basic tutorial but I'm having trouble installing the required R packages for CDT on Google colab.
Below, there is an extract from my code (after pip install cdt, import cdt, import networkx as nx...)
model = cdt.causality.graph.GES()
**ImportError: R Package pcalg is not available.**
-> Which code should I run in Colab to install the R packages?
Thank you,
Hello, I don't think that you"ll be able to run CDT on google Colab (at least for the R-based algorithms): the execution relies on having R and the respective packages installed.
The best way -currently- to run CDT is to pass through the docker image
Best, Diviyan