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Some trouble with the FastQC report
Hi Felix, I am sorry to trouble you. I’m having some trouble with the FastQC report and would like to ask you.
- According to the “Per base sequence content”, should I clip the first 6 bp for good results? And this curve doesn’t look smooth.
- According to the “Sequence Duplication Levels”, why is there only one line here? What’s wrong with my code?
- There are so many overrepresented sequences, is it normal when dealing with RRBS data? I had input code like this:
- trim_galore trim_galore -q 20 --phred33 --stringency 3 --length 20 -e 0.1 --paired A61.1.fq.gz A61.2.fq.gz -o /export/home/***
- fastqc fastqc -o /export/home/limiao29/RRBS/Lung/fastqc -t 12 /export/home/limiao29/RRBS/Lung/*.fq.gz