Felipe Lema

Results 74 comments of Felipe Lema

for anyone interested: I made a wrapper on sqlfluff that can be used with neomake. it prints one error per line https://codeberg.org/FelipeLema/sqlfluff-oneliner

hey, everyone... I'm _seeing_ this problem with block-visual (`:help CTRL-V`) with v3 and current options: ```lua { indent = { char = '┆', highlight = {"…"} }, scope = {show_start...

ended up using the following snippet to turn on/off indent-blanklines when exiting/entering visual mode ```lua local saca_de_enmedio_a_indent_blankline = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("saca_de_enmedio_a_indent_blankline", {clear = true}) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ModeChanged", { group = saca_de_enmedio_a_indent_blankline, pattern = "[vV\x16]*:*",...

I'm for this If anyone's got some queries to get values of a tag narrowed to a single metric, please share it. I'm currently getting timeouts and trying to sort...

kinda obvious right now, but I'm not actively pursuing this

can you paste or point to the code you're dealing with?

[luv](https://github.com/luvit/luv/) seems to provide either a new thread we can't communicate with or a thread pool we can communicate with so it looks like it should be addressed with an...

in the meantime, sounds like running Emacs in WSL might be a very quick way around this problem. Is there any restriction for doing this?

someone else had a related problem which they solved at https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/3907#issuecomment-541497189 I'm pointing this out because it seems the user was very flustered about this issue and, from the looks...

there's a `wslpath.exe` command? does anyone know where is all this documented? https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4704#issuecomment-557779661