Felix R
Felix R
It crashed again. This one did not show up under FluentSearch or .NET Runtime, but I did happen to notice an Application Error entry pertaining to Fluent Search: > Faulting...
It crashed while idle in the background. I did not change any of the font settings.
So far so good. Hasn't crashed yet. Gaming mode does seem to cut down its utility some, though.
1) Yes, the wallpaper cycles every 30 minutes. I have three displays, so one changes every 30 minutes, and thus every individual display will change every hour and a half....
Done. I'll report back either if/when I notice it has crashed, or sometime late tonight/tomorrow morning if it hasn't.
After turning off "System color" and turning on "Disable app background caching" while using the nightly build, it still crashed. Same deal: > Faulting application name: FluentSearch.exe, version:, time...
So far so good. Still running.
Once again, so far so good. No crashes, even with gaming mode disabled. Could this be the culprit?
I'm trying to add some processes to ignore, but every time I click the + button, an new entry comes up for "msedge" and it won't allow me to select...
So far, I haven't found any specific process I could exclude to prevent FS from crashing.