GFPGAN-ncnn copied to clipboard
你好,感谢你的工作 我是一名ncnn初学者,我在mac上做了简单修改,成功运行了你的代码 现在我想学习下如何ncnn模型文件是如何转成功的呢?
我目前的步骤为: 1、按如下修改GFPGan的 中的代码
# noise injection
if noise is None:
b, _, h, w = out.shape
# noise = out.new_empty(b, 1, h, w).normal_()
# noise = torch.empty(b, 1, h, w).cuda()
# nn.init.normal_(noise)
noise = torch.randn(b, 1, h, w).cuda()
2、将GFPGANCleanv1-NoCE-C2.pth 转为了onnx 3、然后应用了python -m onnxsim model.onnx model-sim.onnx 4、./onnx2ncnn model-sim.onnx encoder.param encoder.bin 报错
Gather not supported yet!
\# axis=1
zsh: segmentation fault ./onnx2ncnn model-sim.onnx encoder.param encoder.bin
Hi miaofeng01, Did you manage to convert the GFPGANv1.3.pth model?
Hi @miaofeng01 could You explain please how convert to onnx or any other format?