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The πŸ‡©πŸ‡Ώ API (Work in progress)

Algeria API

Known Vulnerabilities Mutation testing badge

This is another Algerian administrative areas repository :smiley:. In this project we provide a structured JSON and XML data that can be found in results/WilayaList.json and results/WilayaList.XML or through our API:


  • Exposes a RESTful API
  • JSON Files
    • Postal codes by wilaya results/postal-codes-results.json
    • Wilayas list (with Dairas and Baladiyahs lists) results/WilayaList.json

API Documentation

Find the full API documentation here (Will be moved to a SWAGGER documentation).

TODOs & Future Improvements/Features

  • Build a dashboard to manage/correct data
  • Match each postal code withe its provinces
  • Add long/latt cordinates
  • Improve data validation (see tools/validateDataSchemas.js and data/WilayaList.schema.json)


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with us before making a change. And also, please make sure to read our guidelines for contributing

Improving the API (new features, bug fixes...)

:pencil: :whale: :globe_with_meridians: :building_construction: :bug: :zap: :construction_worker: :sparkles:

If you want to work on the API server, just pull this repository then run npm install

To run the development server

npm run server:dev
# or
yarn server:dev

To run in Docker

npm run docker:prod
# Or
yarn docker:prod

Improving the Wilayas List (translations, corrections...)

:pencil: :globe_with_meridians: :building_construction: :bug: :zap: :construction_worker: :sparkles:

The wilaya models are auto-generated by crawling and by using the fine work of mohsenuss91/AlgerianAdministrativeDivision. If you want to contribute more by adding, correcting or improving the results... Please create an issue so we can discuss it, and then you just need to update the results on results/WilayaList.json


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
