Right now plots are only ordered by rank to Main, Secondary, and Minor, but if I wanted to arrange the plots I have inside one of the ranks by chronological...
As the title say, the filter in those sections doesn't work. When I write, it doesn't change anything. The filter in Plots works, though. OS: Windows 11 Manuskript version: 0.16.1
This is a suggestion for future improvements. I would like to have the option to filter by references. For example, if in my fictional world I have different countries with...
I don't know if it's because it remembers the previous version or what, but while I can open it from recent projects or by choosing the file from inside Manuskript,...
The issue came about when I was importing a file. I had a few .odt files to import with Pandoc and for one of those I accidentally forgot to specify...
I don't know if I missed a setting but the export for .odt and .docx doesn't see when I change to a new line, so the whole scene is one...
Just a request for future enhancement, if possible. While I write I have characters that change (growing up, getting fatter, changing perspective, etc...) and inside the character sheet of a...
I noticed that when I use the lock on fullscreen, I can still exit it by pressing the windows button, pressing the "Ctrl"+"Alt"+"Tab" keys or swiping the touchpad of my...
The issue came up when I saved my project in another location with the same name and deleted the original. Now, when I start Manuskript, on "Recent projects" I have...
I know that there's no plan to add Grammarly to Manuskript, but there's something that's been bothering me for a while. I have downloaded Grammarly for Windows and it works...