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Results 42 woodstox issues
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I'm trying to use woodstox with a schema that is conformant to the [XSD v1.1 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/) (specifically that it contains [conditional type alternatives](https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#cTypeAlternative) using [xPath 2.0 assertions](https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/)) and it would...

Hello all, I’m trying to validate an XML file against its XSD schema (W3C) and I get an unexpected behaviour. The XSD declares a tag of type `xs:date` as below...

Hi, faced such problem when I specify at an element maxOccurs= "25000", I receive an error with StackOverflow. But if I specify maxOccurs= "unbounded", validation passes and I get my...


Hello, While updating our static code analyzer, we realized that in some scenario, the locations corresponding to events are wrong. It seems to be a bug from the woodstox engine....


Sometimes it is useful to also indent attributes within an element. For that `org.codehaus.stag2.writeSpace(String)` should be used. Unfortunately that will always close any open start tags so it cannot be...

good first issue

Hi, if I set the properties `IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES` and `IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES` to `true` I'm facing the following problem. The replacing of the external entity works fine, but for the first event after...

Apparently there's a JEP to add Yet Another Set of configuration properties (to overlap with existing) ones: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/185 and since users will be trying to use them (as per #50)...

When processing a stream that contains mixed content, like MTOM/XOP messages, it is easy enough to detect the end of an XML document and to return control to code that...

When the following XML is converted to an OMElement, then written back out, the namespace prefix used by the xsi:type attribute refers to the incorrect namespace URI. That is because...


When reading a DOM document form a StAXSource backed by a validating XMLStreamReader2, com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.SAX2DOM will throw a NullPointerException when trying to process attributes. This seems to be caused by GenericMsvValidator.getAttributeType(int)...